I like this sweater huhuhu.. dark charcoal, L from GAP the price only $59.50 = maybe more than RM 198.46. or RM 250 ++ i hope that i can get it in Malaysia.. GAP im coming..

By akuadi

111 thoughts on “GAP Sweater”
  1. The movie was just an excuse to mix between current bankable movie genres, teen comedies (well, the comedy deserted the movie after the first half-hour) action films and dark thrillers .

  2. You’re an idiot. I’m half hispanic and I love several of those bands, all across this graph. I was one of the “Promising Youth” that you and your mental type think are all rich white kids.

  3. I was wondering what is up with that weird gravatar??? I know 5am is early and also I’m not looking my best at that hour, but I hope I don’t look like that! I could possibly however make that face if I’m asked to do 100 pushups. lol

  4. I was wondering what is up with that weird gravatar??? I know 5am is early and I’m not looking my greatest at that hour, but I hope I don’t look like that! I could however make that face if I’m asked to do 100 pushups. lol

  5. I was asking yourself what is up with that weird gravatar??? I know 5am is early and also I’m not looking my most excellent at that hour, but I hope I don’t look just like this! I could however make that face if I’m asked to do 100 pushups. lol

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