When Bad News Becomes Good News
Title je omputeh…tapi malas nak sepaking…hahaha..pagi tadi kul 530 dah bangun dah….fresh gila rasa… then I give a called to Cik Nabila… kat sana (turkey) baru lewat 5 jam…dia pun…
AkuAdi My Life, My Journey
Title je omputeh…tapi malas nak sepaking…hahaha..pagi tadi kul 530 dah bangun dah….fresh gila rasa… then I give a called to Cik Nabila… kat sana (turkey) baru lewat 5 jam…dia pun…
Pagi tadi bangun awal…tapi cam malas2 nak bukak mata..sambung tido balik…sedar2 dah dekat 6:45 am dah…. gila la..kelam kabut mandi siap2 terus g keje… Skali kat Bukit Damansara jem la…
Pagi tadi bangun awal… sbb smlm dah puas tido…dari pagi sabtu lepas balik keje….Pagi tadi gayut ngan Cik Bella ….guna ITalk murah gak….sbb skrg ni dia kat turkey… Next week…
First entry untuk tahun 2011. Kejap je masa dah berlalu…dalam baper hari lagi jer umur pun cukup 25…ohhh…kejap nyer 25 …smlm new year kat opiz jerrkk…tp last year best gak…
Sweet smile, originally uploaded by akuadi. I love this sweet smile..but now she @turkey untill 10 of January
How to enable the user right in your media wiki. This function will allowed the registered user only that can view the contents inside your wiki.And only admin can edit…
Did you facing the issues with the filesystem in Centos server especially /tmp full. For the webhosting company this /tmp is very important. If your server is install with the…
Tempat bersejarah, originally uploaded by akuadi. Tetiba rindu kt tmpt ni,mana la tau nanti ada rezeki leh masuk balik.. 😉 Banyak benda dah bljar kat sini..kt tmpt bru pun dah…
Si Silver, originally uploaded by akuadi. Si Silver masuk hospital
Gila la la dah dekat 6 bulan tak update blog ni…aisshhh…. banyak sebab tak update..skrg ni mmg bz giler….nanti nak tulis pasal technical2 stuff skit… Nanti ada masa update lagi..…